Temperature calibration – Thermo Fisher Scientific CyberScan PD 300 User Manual
Page 13

Instruction Manual
PD 300
4.2 Temperature
The temperature sensor of the the DO probe is factory
calibrated. Calibrate your sensor only if you suspect
temperature errors that may have occurred over a long
period of time or if you have a replacement probe. Make sure
the DO probe is attached prior to performing the calibration.
1. Switch the meter on. Press MODE to select either pH or
mg/L (ppm) measurement mode.
2. Press the CAL/MEAS key to enter pH or mg/L (ppm)
calibration mode. The CAL indicator will appear above the
primary display.
3. While in pH or mg/L (ppm) calibration mode, press the
MODE key to enter temperature calibration mode. The
primary display shows the temperature reading and the
secondary display shows you the factory default
temperature value.
4. Compare the primary display reading to a NIST-
traceable thermometer or another thermometer known
to be accurate.
5. Press the ▲ or ▼ keys to adjust the primary display
reading to agree with your temperature standard.
6. Press the ENTER key to confirm temperature calibration
and return to Measurement mode.
To exit from Temperature Calibration mode without
confirming calibration, DO NOT press ENTER in Step 6.
Press CAL/MEAS instead.
If a separate temperature probe is used for pH
measurement (EC-PHWPTEMP-01W / 35618-05), then
temperature calibration done for pH is separate and
independent from mg/L measurement mode.
Temperature calibration is restricted to ± 5°C from the
factory default value displayed during calibration
(shown in the secondary display).
(The values shown above are for illustration purpose. Your meter may display
different values depending on the settings & your environmental conditions)
Figure 5: Temperature calibration