SHIMPO 933 User Manual
Page 19

How to Configure the LCTS
The LCTS was designed to test keypads and switches. These devices have an
electrical contact. The resistance of this contact is part of the test measurement, and
pass/fail criteria is assigned to the results obtained. To learn how to configure the LCTS
for an electrical switch see the section below on Configuring For Devices With Contacts.
The LCTS can also be used to test devices that don’t have an electrical contact. In this
case, there is no test data collected on the item. The LCTS merely exercises the test
item for a programmed number of cycles. For a discussion of setup of a non-contact
device see the section below on Configuring For Devices Without Contacts.
The configuration data programmed into the LCTS as well as test result, are stored in
non-volatile memory which is retained even when the LCTS is disconnected and
powered off. Because of this feature, the LCTS can be programmed is a separate
location and then moved to where the testing will be performed. When testing is
complete, the LCTS can be returned to the PC location to download the test results.
The configuration data stored in the LCTS and that displayed by the software application
are the same. They will remain in synchronization as long as both remain connected
and are properly communicating.
Configuration Files
The configuration parameters loaded into the LCTS can also be saved to files for later
retrieval. Under the Configure menu are Open/Save menu items. The Open item will
show a standard windows dialog of files in folders. Select the file to open. The file
format is checked, and if proper will be transferred to the LCTS. At the bottom of the
Configure menu is a list of the 4 most-recently opened/saved configuration files.
Clicking on any of these files is the same as opening the file. The Save menu item
prompts for a file name. If no extension is specified, the default extension “.cfg” is added.
The current configuration parameters are then stored in the user’s file.
Editing The Configuration.
To edit or review the configuration parameter, select the Edit menu item under the
Configure menu. Note that no changes or review of the configuration parameters is
possible while the LCTS is running tests. The LCTS must be stopped. A three tab
configuration dialog box appears. Figure 11 shows the first tab of this dialog.
Configuration parameters are not saved or transferred to the LCTS if the cancel button
on this dialog is pressed. To make changes and have them transferred to the LCTS,
press the OK button. If new configuration parameter are created or existing parameters
modified, the user will be asked whether or not to save the data before the application is
closed or a existing configuration file is opened.