NSi Industries ELC72 User Manual
Page 20

Press the + to bypass .
Press the NEXT key advance .
Use the + and - keys to modify the flashing item .
Use the NEXT key advance to the next flashing item .
Choose the holiday number to program .
Program the beginning month & date, the ending month
& date, and holiday schedule (A, B, or C .)
Repeat for each holiday .
Press the PROGRAM key to return to top of HOL
screen . Press NEXT key to program another holiday
type .
Press the PROGRAM key again when holiday
programming complete and go to next mode .
Press the RUN key to put timer in operating mode . The
word UPDATING will show on the screen and
disappear when timer is ready .
This mode is reached by pressing the OVERRIDE key
from the RUN mode . Press the NEXT key to continue in
this mode or press the RUN key to exit this mode
without affecting a change to the load status .
The screen shows the status channels on the bottom
line of the display . If the channel number is flashing, the
channel is currently overridden . If it is flashing mostly
on, the channel is overridden on . If it is flashing mostly
off, the channel is overridden off . The channel #
currently pointed to will be flashing .