NSi Industries ELC72 User Manual
Page 10

The Astro (astronomic) function provides a means for
controlling lights based on the changing sunrise and
sunset times throughout the year without use of a photo
control . The Astro feature does not turn loads on or off .
Between sunrise and sunset the load(s) are not allowed
to be on . An event must be programmed to allow the
load(s) assigned to Astro to turn ON (see section 4 .0 .)
Press the PROGRAM key to bypass and go to next
mode .
Press the NEXT key to go to the first setting .
Look up today’s sunrise and sunset times before starting .
Also, to determine your location latitude use the map
below .
Note: Offset Feature - program today’s sunrise/sunset
times with the desired offset figured in . The control will
automatically update the sunrise/sunset times each
day . The allowable ranges are 10 - 70 North and 10 -
70 South .
Use the + and - keys to modify the flashing item .
Use the NEXT key advance to the next flashing item .
Program RISE (sunrise) hour and minutes and SET
(sunset) hour and minutes .
Program LATT (latitude) .
Assign Astro function to each channel using the + and -
keys to select YES for the flashing channel number .
Press the PROGRAM key to go to next mode .