KROHNE CORIMASS MFC 85 Interface EN User Manual
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PC CONFIG Software package
The VDI/VDE-GMA 2187 Guideline issued in Germany is the first attempt to define a mode of
operation for signal converters including those of different makes. The operating unit is the PC
through which the all Krohne Smart converters can be controlled and programmed. The signal
converters are linked via a RS 232 interface at the PC. All Krohne Smart transducers can be
operated using the Krohne PC “CONFIG” operator package.
Minimum PC requirements
PC, personal computer, with MSDos or compatible operating system
Disk drive: 3½”
Screen mode with 25
80 characters
Serial interface RS 232
No special requirements imposed on graphic adaptor (Hercules, EGA, VGA, etc.), the
CONFIG program operates in the text mode so older PC’s can also be used.
Items supplied with Krohne PC operator package CONFIG
3½” diskette with complete CONFIG software
Smart converter or RS 232 adaptor (or RS 232 - RS 485 converter on request)
Smart cable, link between current output and Smart converter
Adaptor for 25-pin RS 232 interface at PC
Screen layout, operator control and functions
Operation via mouse or keyboard and hot keys
Screen layout and operator control modelled on the Microsoft Windows user interface
Connection set-up to Smart signal converters or the MIC 500 hand-held communicator
Diagnostics, detailed presentation of signal converter messages, and call of simulation
functions (tests)
Change, compare, print and store instrument parameters
Dynamic representation of measured values and signal converter status
Further Instruction Manuals
Krohne PC CONFIG Operating Manual
Order No. 7.02196.71.00
These manuals should accompany the equipment when ordered.