Mpp300 – HT instruments MPP300 User Manual

Page 9

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EN - 7

4.3.1. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 1
In case the MASTER instrument is near MPP300, it is possible to display the general
parameters and obtain information about a possible error state of MPP300 (STATUS LED
red steady). For a description of the error conditions, please refer to the Message table in
the User Manual of the MASTER instrument

1. Position the cursor onto EFF by using the arrow keys


,) and confirm with ENTER. The display shows the

screen here to the side, which contains the global
parameters of the system

15/05/10 15:34:26

P R p

- - -

I r r

- - -

W / m 2

P n o m

1 5 0 . 0

k W

T c

- - -

° C

T e

- - -

° C

P d c

- - -

k W

P a c

- - -

k W

n d c

- - -

n a c

- - -

G O – s t a r t r e c



2. Press the ENTER key. The instrument shows the

following options: MPP300 status, Set PV Plant and Set

3. Use the arrow keys (

,) to select “MPP300 status” and

confirm with ENTER. The instrument shows the screen
here to the side, which indicates the main general
parameters of the instrument

15/05/10 15:34:26

P o w e r s u p p l y

B a t t

B a t t e r y I n

u s e

C h a r g e 9 9 %
S O L A R - 0 2 d e t e c t e d S I
V e r s i o n 1 . 0 1
S N 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 0

MPP300 Status

Set .PV plant

S e t I n s t r u m e n t



4.3.2. Displaying the status of MPP300 by means of MASTER instruments of Type 2
In case the MASTER instrument is connected to MPP300 though USB cable, it is possible
to display the general parameters and obtain information about a possible error state of
MPP300 (STATUS LED red steady). For a description of the error conditions, please refer
to the Message table in the User Manual of the MASTER instrument
In GENERAL MENU select the “Instrument informations” icon and press ENTER key. The
herewith screen is shown by the instrument:

12/09/2006 – 16:55:10


Model: MPP300
SN: xxxxxxxx
Hw: xx
Fw: 1.xx

Press ESC key (or smart icon ) to back to GENERAL MENU screen.