HT instruments MPP300 User Manual
Page 15

EN - 13
21. Upon reaching the instant “00” after pressing the GO/STOP
key, the test is started and the three units are
synchronized with each other. In these conditions:
The display of SOLAR I-V shows the message “rec.
The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message
On MPP300, the STATUS LED flashes green
15/05/10 15:35:00
P R p
- - -
I r r
- - -
W / m 2
P n o m 3 . 5 0 0
k W
T c
- - -
° C
T e
- - -
° C
P d c
3 . 1 2 5
k W
P a c
2 . 9 6 0
k W
n d c
- - -
n a c
0 . 9 5
R e c . r u n n i n g
At any time it will be possible to analyze the current
recording status by pressing the MENU key. The following
information will be shown:
starting date and time of recording
the value set for the integration period
the number of periods elapsed from the beginning of the
the remaining memory capacity for recording
Press the ESC key to exit the screen
15/05/10 15:35:00
S t a r t
1 4 / 0 2 / 0 0 1 7 : 1 8 : 0 0
P e r i o d : 5 s
I P N u m b e r 6 1
R e c . t i m e
0 d 1 h
Reg. in corso
R e c r u n n i n g
23. Now it is possible to bring the unit SOLAR-02 near the PV strings to measure irradiation and
temperature by means of the relevant probes. When the distance between unit SOLAR-02
and MPP300 does not allow the RF connection, on the display of SOLAR-02 the symbol
” flashes for approx 30s and then disappears. Unit MPP300 steadily searches for the
RF connection with unit SOLAR-02
24. Position the reference cell onto the surface of the PV modules. Please refer to the relevant
User Manual for a correct assembly
25. Put the temperature sensor in contact with the rear side of the panel and fasten it with some
tape; prevent touching it with your fingers (as this could alter the measure)
26. Wait for a few seconds to allow the probes to reach a steady measure and then connect the
irradiation probe to input PYRA/CELL and the temperature probe to input TEMP of unit
27. Wait for the message “READY” to appear on the display of SOLAR-02 to indicate that the
unit has detected the data with solar irradiation > minimum threshold set (see the User
Manual of SOLAR I-V)
28. With the message “READY” shown on the display, wait for approximately 1 minute in
order to take a certain number of samples
29. Disconnect the irradiation and temperature probes from unit SOLAR-02 and bring the unit
near unit MPP300. Bring the main unit SOLAR I-V near MPP300 too. The three units
must be near each other (max distance 1m)
30. The main unit SOLAR I-V must be in EFF mode; if no flashing symbol “
” appears,
press key
to activate the RF connection search again
31. Press key
on SOLAR-02 to activate the RF connection again. Consequently, the main
unit will show the message “radio connection activated”