HT instruments MPP300 User Manual
Page 20

EN - 18
On SOLAR300N, press key F3 to access the
second screen which contains the values of the
output DC parameters of the strings according to
the number of DC inputs set (see SOLAR300N
user’s manual).
In particular, in this screen:
Vdcx = dc voltage of string x.
Idcx = dc current of string x.
Pdx = dc power of string x.
We recommend checking that the values of the
electrical parameters (Vdc, Idc, Pdc) are consistent
with the system being measured.
E x a m p l e o f a D C s c r e e n f o r P V
s y s t e m s w i t h 3 M P P T s
19. On SOLAR300N, press key F4 to access the third
screen which contains the values of the electrical
parameters on the AC side of the inverter,
consistently with the settings made (see
SOLAR300N user’s manual - single-phase, three-
phase 4 wires).
In particular, in this screen:
Vacxy = ac voltage between Phase and Neutral (if
single-phase) or between Phases x and y (if three-
Iacx = ac current of phase x
Pacx = ac power of phase x
We recommend checking that the values of the
electrical parameters (Vac, Iac, Pac) are consistent
with the system being measured.
E x a m p l e o f a n A C s c r e e n f o r P V
s y s t e m s w i t h t h r e e - p h a s e
o u t p u t
20. Keeping the three instruments connected, press the
F1 key on SOLAR300N to start recording.
a. The display of SOLAR300N shows the icon
The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message
“HOLD” and the time, expressed in seconds,
remaining before the recording is started
b. On MPP300, the STATUS LED turns on green (not
21. Upon reaching the instant “00” after pressing the F1
key, the test is started and the three units are
synchronized with each other. In these conditions:
a. The display of SOLAR300N shows the icon
b. The display of SOLAR-02 shows the message
c. On MPP300, the STATUS LED flashes green