Sensor offset and span calibration, Proscan in-line process sensor – AW Gear Meters PROSCAN User Manual
Page 14

ProScan In-Line Process Sensor
User Manual
So as not to introduce error in calibration, it is recommended you rinse the tee with water to clean any
residue of the previous product from the face of the sensor.
8. Turn the CALIBRATION SWITCH to position 1. Press and hold the ENTRY key for approximately
two seconds. The sensor output is now set to 20.00 mA (or the span setting).
9. Repeat step 8, incrementing the CALIBRATION SWITCH by one, until you have calibrated all
points (maximum is to point 8). As you add points, each addition becomes the new 20.00 mA
top end. Each previously entered point is linearly re-scaled.
10. In general, a five (5) point calibration is sufficient to provide proper output resolution. You may
use calibration point 0 to 8. Point 9 is reserved for the Sensor Output Reference, described
11. To obtain output values, place the sensor again into each of the test liquids. With each product,
record the resulting current output from the transmitter. The resulting profile corresponds to
the outputs from the unit at each of the various products.
12. You can now can use these values to program a receiver.
Sensor Offset and Span Calibration
The ProScan sensor is typically prepared at the factory with a default value of 4.00 mA output for the
“base reference” position “0,” and 20.00 mA for span position “9.” For most applications, it is
recommended that the unit be used in this configuration. The following procedure illustrates steps to
verify or modify these values.
1. Remove the screw cap on sensor.
Be careful not to damage rubber o-ring.
1. Refer to the Figure 3 on page 15 to locate the Calibration Switch, Entry Key and Offset
Adjustment Keys.
2. If you wish to change the span value, place the Calibration switch in Position “9” and press the
“up” or “down” offset adjustment keys until you obtain the desired value; then press and hold
the ENRTY key for approximately 2 seconds.
3. If you wish to change the “base reference” value, place the Calibration switch in Position “0” and
press the “up” or “down” keys until you obtain the desired value; then press and hold the ENTRY
key for approximately 2 seconds.