AW Gear Meters AMP-HES-RT User Manual
Amp-hes-rt 5-pin din connector cable assembly

AW Gear Meters 8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126 web:
Tel: 262‐884‐9800 Fax: 262‐884‐9810 Email: awinfo@aw‐
AMP-HES-RT 5-pin DIN Connector Cable Assembly
See drawing: AMRT301A for assembly diagram.
For HDSXs1 & Ex pickups a 4-conductor plus shield cable is required.
For IG06-HD-x pickups a 4-conductor plus shield cable is required.
For HESxS1 pickups a 3-conductor plus shield cable is required.
For VTxx/P & Ex pickups a 3-conductor plus shield cable is required.
HDSxS1 & -Ex:
VTxx/P & -Ex or HESxS1:
1 - +Supply 2 (U
1 - +Supply (U
2 - Out 2
2 - Out
3 - common (0V)
3 - common (0V)
4 - Out 1
4 - not used
5 - +Supply 1 (U
5 - not used
1 - common (0V)
2 - Out A
3 - not used
4 - Out B
5 - +Supply (U
Insert one end of the cable through connector parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Strip insulation and foil back
1 ½”. Solder cable leads to pins on connector (8) per instructions above depending on which sensor
type the cable is intended for. Cut the shield lead along with any unused leads at the strip line.
Make sure that shield lead and any unused leads are insulated from the connector housing.
Install O-ring (10) into groove on insert (9). Line up the keyway and insert connector (8) into insert
(9). Line up the keyway and insert support/guide part (7) into insert (9) over connector (8). Insert
assembly into housing part (6).
Pull cable back through housing until strip line is just inside of the housing cavity. Dress leads inside
the cavity and install rectangular seal (12) and cover (13) on to the housing.
Install O-ring (5) into groove on ferrule (4). Slide ferrule into housing (6). Slide part (2) over seal
part (3) and slide up against (4). Thread on the tightening nut (1) until hand tight. Cable should
now be sealed and securely relieved of strain. Line up the keyway and slide circular gasket (11)
over the end of the connector (8) inside of threaded ring part of housing (6) and push as far in
as possible until it “bottoms” in the gap. This gasket will form a seal with the mating connector
on the pickup.
Strip insulation and foil from other end of cable back 1 ½”. Cut off any lead not used on connector at
the insulation trim line. DO NOT CUT OFF SHIELD LEAD. Slightly tin the end of the shield lead.
Using 22 gauge wire stripper, cut insulation ¼” from end of colored leads but do not remove
insulation. Label leads. Perform continuity test on cable to verify proper connection.