Chapter 1 introduction, Chapter 2 installation – Additel Cal User Manual User Manual
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Additel/Cal is designed for ADT22XA series and ADT761 references to manage the instruments, references, calibration tasks, calibration schedule and calibration
result. This manual will introduce you to how to install, register and use the Additel/Cal. All screens have a uniform look with similar speed buttons and menus,
making it easy for you to adapt to the system quickly. Each subsequent chapter individually addresses one of the program’s screens or major functions. In each of
these chapters you will find a full description and explanation of the screens features, as well as detailed, hands‐on operating instructions.
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 System Requirements
To use the Additel/Cal, it is recommended that you have the following hardware and software:
A Pentium class 667 MHz or higher computer with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM (512 MB or more recommended)
Windows XP or later operating system versions
A hard disk with at least 500 MB of free space
Microsoft Office 2003 or later versions
For reference communication:
RS232 serial asynchronous communication port
ADT22XA series references (the version of references is DPC2.10 or higher ) or ADT761 series references
Suitable communications cable (supplied)
2.2 Procedures
Insert the Additel/Cal CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. If the program does not autostart, Run “setup.exe”. Follow the prompts on your screen to
complete installation.