Additel Cal User Manual User Manual
Page 14

This field is the unique name of the instrument, and limited to 12 characters.
when you input the characters in the field,it will real-time verify the existence of the input values in the database.If there is Identity(input characters) in
the database, you will see the message(see figure below) displayed on the right and be not allowed to click the “Save” button.
(2).Pressure Form, Pressure Range, Tolerance
These fields are the instrument’s fixed property ,so they must be filled in.
(3).Calibration Frequency
This field can filled in from the drop down list. For more information see Chapter 11.1
(4).First Cal Date, Last Cal Date, & Next Cal Date
The Next Cal Date field must be filled in, other fields do not have to be filled in when entering a new Instrument. The Last Cal Date and Next Cal Date
fields will populate when a passing Calibration is entered.
(5).Description, Model, Serial Number, Manufacturer, Location, Customer, Operator, & Remarks
These fields can be filled in as needed.
5.1.2 Edit Instrument
To modify a instrument, you must select the Instrument record by clicking the tool strip button labeled “Edit Instrument” on the Instruments Toolbar.
The Identity field can not be modified.