Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual

Page 20

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the wheel plate and loosen the two set screws at the
same time by the same amount. Repeat if neces-
sary. Make certain all screws are tight after adjust-
ments have been made.


To properly align the saw blade for a straight and accu-
rate cut, do the following:

Square the stationary vise jaw. Make sure it is square
to the front of the vise slot. Check by placing a com-
bination square against the front of the vise slot in the
saw bed. Slide the square toward the stationary vise.
Make any necessary adjustment to the vise jaw to bring
it into square. Set the combination square so that one
leg is along the face of the stationary vise and check to
see that the blade is square to the vise jaw. If it is not
square, follow the instructions for horizontal adjustment.


The back of the saw blade should just touch the carbide
back up guide when the saw is running but not cut-
ting. To adjust, loosen the 2 cap screws [A] and move
the block up or down as required. (Before making this
adjustment, be sure the back of the blade is properly
contacting the fl ange on both the Drive and Idle wheels).


Loosen the 2 cap screws [B] securing the horizontal
adjusting block (items 11 & 12 on the parts drawing).
Turn the top adjusting bolt (item 5 on the parts drawing)
to move the blade either in, toward the saw bed, or out,
away from the saw bed.

Normally, the blade comes off the Drive Wheel with a
minimum amount of adjustment needed in the Horizontal
Adjusting Block. The Idle End adjusting block is more
likely to require adjustment.


To ensure the blade is perpendicular to the bed of the
saw, loosen the 2 cap screws [C] holding the Guide Sup-
port (28 & 29 on the parts drawing)and turn the bottom
adjusting bolt (13 on the parts drawing). Set the com-
bination square on the saw bed with the end of the rule
butted against the blade above the set of the teeth. Use
a 1-1/2 thousandths (.0015") shim and slide it along the
top and bottom edge of the rule where it meets the saw

blade. If the shim slides between the blade and the rule
at either the top or bottom, the blade guides must be


Ensure that all bolts are properly tightened and that all
guards are in place before using the saw.


The angle of the cut is adjustable from 0° (90°) to 60°.
The angle is indicated by a pointer at the back of the
chip pan and a large scale on the edge of the cutoff turn-
table. The saw head is locked into position by means of
a control rod and locking block. There is a 0 stop on the
back of the saw bed. DO NOT ADJUST THIS STOP.

To adjust the angle of the cut, loosen the angle lock han-
dle, pull the saw head, while lining up the pointer to the
desired angle shown on the scale. Then gently tighten
the handle. The lock requires very little pressure to hold
the head in place. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.