Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual
Page 16

15. After the data is entered in a job the operator simply
puts the fi rst job number in SEQ 1 that is to be cut and so
on for SEQ 2,3,4 etc.. When running automatic, the ma-
chine will cycle stop with the fi rst “0” (zero) it encounters in
the “SEQ”.
EXAMPLE: If the operator wanted to run 3 different jobs
or lengths “on the fl y” a job number would be programmed
into SEQ 1 through SEQ 3 and SEQ 4 would be “0”. SEQ
1=87, SEQ 2=34, SEQ 3=18, SEQ 4=0, would run the
three lengths and quantities programmed in those jobs, and
then cycle stop.
The machine can be stopped for any reason during the
middle of the cutting without affecting what is currently be-
ing cut. To Start all over again at SEQ 1, simply RESET the
pointer by entering a “1” into the “RESET” fi eld.
The top lines of data on this page always show what is cur-
rently being cut.
JOB: This is the current job that will be or
is running. This value will change as the machine is
changing lengths or jobs while running automatically.
• SEQ: This is the current sequence position.
LENGTH: This is the current length to be cut as
programmed in the corresponding job.
QUANTITY: This is the current number of parts
to be cut for the length shown.
CURR CUTS MADE: This is the total parts cut of the
current length.
SPEED: This is the current blade speed pro-
grammed in the current job. It is for reference only.
CUTTING FORCE: This is the current cutting force pro-
grammed into the current job. It is for reference only.
RATE: This is the current feed rate for the cur-
rent job and length. It is for reference only.
SEQUENCE: Any time this is set to “1”, the
pointer is reset to SEQ 1.
SEQ 1 through 15: Enter the job in the order desired to
run starting with SEQ 1.
The purpose of job setup is to program and view the data in
each job. Change the job number fi eld and the correspond-
ing data is displayed. The data can be changed if desired at
any time. This data can also be changed while the machine
is running in automatic mode if desired.
JOB #: This is the current job that corresponds to the
data or parameters below. Values are 1 through 99.
LENGTH: Length in inches for the current job shown
QUANTITY: Quantity of parts to be cut when run in auto
BLADE SPEED: This blade speed is in foot per minute
and is for reference.
FEED RATE: This is the setting on the operator control
pointer for cutting head feed and is for reference only.
CUTTING FORCE: This is a reference for the cutting
force setting on the guide.
LENGTH mm: This is the metric length of cut in millim-
eters. If this value is changed the inch value above au-
tomatically changes to the correct value and visa versa.
After reviewing the push button descriptions and the cutting
saw controls in the main saw operation manual, a manual
machine movement or part cut can be made.
A manual cut can be made by simply:
1. Clamping the part in the saw vise
2. Adjusting the cutting force if necessary
3. Closing the cutting head approach valve by rotating it
clockwise to zero.
4. Starting the blade and adjusting the speed for the mate-
rial to be cut.
5. Pushing the head lower push button
6. Slowly open the cutting head approach valve so the
cutting head begins to lower and cut the material.
After the cut is complete, the blade will stop and the cutting
head will raise.
Steps 2,4 and 6 can be omitted when the operator becomes
profi cient and the material is the same as previously