Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual

Page 11

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6. Loosen the Cap completely. The Shell with Adjusting

Nut (Part # 156259) will lower. Note the Plunger sitting
inside the Shell.

7. The Diaphragm may come down on top of the Shell or it

may remain up against the Valve Body.

8. Remove the Diaphragm and white plastic Needle.

Inspection and Cleaning

1. The Diaphragm should be fl at and have no perforations

or wrinkles. If it has any defects it must be replaced.

2. Inspect the point of the Nylon needle. It must be smooth

and free of debris. The point can be cleaned by twisting
it into a soft cloth. If it is has damage the valve will
produce inconsistent force.

3. Remove the Plunger (Part # 156255). Inspect for

corrosion. Polish with a scrubbing pad to remove all
corrosion. Lubricate generously with a light grease.

4. Do not blow compressed air into the Valve Body.

Using an aerosol can spray light penetrating oil up into
the Valve Body. Allow it to drain. Again, do not blow
compressed air into the Valve Body.


1. Remove the Thimble from the Shell.

2. Place all parts within arms reach.

3. Lubricate the steel Plunger with light grease and insert

into the Shell.

4. Lubricate the diaphragm liberally with hydraulic oil and

place on top of the Shell (and Plunger). Take care to
center the Diaphragm.

5. Stand the Needle in the center of the Diaphragm.

6. The Diaphragm is sandwiched between the Shell and

the Valve Body. Before the Shell is lifted up against the
Valve Body rotate the Shell so that the Force Scale is in
the desired position for the operator’s viewing. DO NOT
VALVE BODY otherwise the diaphragm may become
wrinkled and the Valve will not function properly.

7. Lift the Shell up against the valve body. Hold the Shell

steady to prevent turning and with your other hand
install the Cap nut. Lightly tighten by hand only.

8. Install the Thimble into the Shell. Turn up all the way

until it seats gently.

9. Install the Spring and Pushrod Assembly and position

on top of the Lever Arm.

10. Retighten the saw blade.

11. Adjust the Cutting Force Valve “30” or all the way up.

12. Power up the machine and make a test cut. They

system is self bleeding.

13. Please refer to the Test and Adjust notes for further


Cutting Force Control Valve
Test and Adjust

Problem: The Cutting Force is too heavy (the actual cutting
force is higher than the value selected on the Thimble)

Possible Cause:
1. The needle is held open on the valve seat by debris.
2. The length of the pushrod is too short.

Problem: The Cutting Force is too light or the saw head
stops during the cut: (the actual cutting force is lower than
the value selected on the Thimble)
1. Pushrod is too long.

Test: As a routine quick-check move the thimble on the
valve up to the lightest position (“30” on the Thimble or all
the way up), open the Feed Control Valve (on the Control
Panel) to position 3 then press the Head Lower/Cycle Start
button. The saw head should descend at a slow rate (blade
motor is off). Insert a 40 thousandths (.040") feeler gauge
between the top edge of the blade and the Cutting Force
roller (on the little arm). This should stop the saw head. If
not then adjust the push rod to lengthen it accordingly. If
the head continues down after the adjustment or the weight
cannot be lowered then there may be debris in the needle &

Tools needed:
• Bathroom


Small block of wood

Two ½" open end wrenches

.040"feeler gauge (or approximate substitute)

1. Place the block on the scale.
2. Raise saw head enough to move the scale and block

into place under the blade. The scale should be close to
the stationary vise jaw.

3. Turn the thimble in the Cutting Force valve all the way

up. This represents the minimum cutting force.

4. Open the Feed Rate control (on front panel) to position


5. (Blade motor is off) Press and hold the green HEAD

LOWER /CYCLE START button. The saw head should
descend slowly and the blade will come down on the
wooden block.

6. Tap on the back edge of the blade with a screwdriver to

free up any tension in the guides. Note the value of the
scale. It should be about 10 to 20 lbs.

7. If the weight is too high the rod length is too short and

needs adjustment. Unlock the two jam nuts and extend
the pushrod. If the value is still too high after adjustment
then the needle valve must be inspected for debris. See
the Instructions for service on the valve.

8. If the rod is adjusted too long the saw head will not

come down at all.

9. Remove the scale.