Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual
Page 18

The electrical print provided with this machine shows the
proper connections for all wiring. The fault/diagnostics
provided on the operator screen will assist with most issues
before an electrical maintenance person is called. The fol-
lowing information will provide the basic checks to assure
proper and accurate machine operation.
There are only a few areas to verify to quickly get this ma-
chine up and running automatically. All functions should be
working in manual mode before running auto.
1. The position system is working
2. The PLC should be on and running properly.
3. Lastly is the operator interface
The run light on the processor must be on and “solid”, (not
blinking). This indicates the PLC is in the “RUN” mode and
is functioning properly.
The positioning system can be quickly verifi ed in manual
mode by looking at the current ”position” in the setup page
on the operator station. Move the barfeed manually back
and forth to verify the number is changing properly. If not,
Check that the rod and sensor are tight without move-
Make sure the 5VDC power supply is Working inside
the electrical enclosure.
If the barfeed already manually moves back and forth,
the PLC is OK, therefore the only items left are the
sensor, rod or voltage converters. These items have
been tested and they rarely go bad. However, if one
is bad, simply replace it as the average shop cannot
repair them. The voltage converter (part # 921939)
is a small black electronic device about 1” by 1/2" with
four wire leads and is low cost and easy to replace. The
sensor or rod can be replaced individually if desired.
(part #920930).
If the position sensor is working, check all other compo-
nents attached to the I/O of the PLC. Inputs to the PLC
have lights with their associated inputs. Each of these can
be tested for proper working order by testing the 24 VDC
wire to the PLC input and/or the light. This is a simple check
for a limit switch, etc. All inputs should be verifi ed to be
working if an unknown problem occurs.
Outputs can also be verifi ed by looking at the lighted output
on the PLC and by testing the voltage to the output. Blue
wire is 24 VDC and red is 120 VAC.
This PLC must be ordered from Wellsaw for proper opera-
tional software.
If communication to the operator station is lost, the master
start (green light) cannot be turned on. No machine move-
ment can occur until th communication is restored.
The operator interface is working if you can manually move
something or change data. The display requires 24 VDC
and the connection of a cable (part #920764) to the PLC to
operate. The PLC Must be in run mode as described above
for all functions to work. A red light is fl ashing on the opera-
tor interface if it is communicating with the PLC.
This operator interface must be ordered from Wellsaw to be
assured of proper operation with this system.
In conclusion, there are few other components to check. All
components are the highest quality automotive grade and
will rarely fail. Components are stocked at the factory for
overnight shipment if necessary.
This machine is equipped with a detector that monitors the
idle wheel movement. The proximity switch is monitored for
motion any time the blade is running. If the motion detector
does not sense motion of the machine blade and move-
ment is stopped a fault is displayed. The LED indicator on
the switch and PLC input should be fl ickering on and off
while the blade is running for proper operation. If the blade
breaks while cutting, the idle wheel stops and causes a mo-
tion fault. The same occurs if the blade stalls while cutting
the material.
The out of stock shut down switch is located on the barfeed
vise. If the vise or clamp closes too far due to lack of mate-
rial, the switch will open up causing the machine to cycle
stop. A fault will be displayed on the operator station.