Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual
1316s - auto, Operating manual

Operating Manual
1316S - Auto
Fully Automatic
Bandsaw with Miter Head
Built better to work stronger and last longer
2829 N. Burdick St. Kalamazoo, MI 49004
Phone: 269-345-1132 Fax: 269-345-0095
ick St. Kalamazoo, MI 49004
345-1132 Fax: 269-345-0095
Fully Automatic Bandsawing
with Conversational Set-Up,
Active Hydraulic Cutting
Force Control, True Swivel
Head for Miter Angles
Shown with Optional
Bundle Clamp System
REV 130610
File Name: S:\Master Parts Manuals\New scanned manuals MLS\1316S-Auto Operating Manual.indd