The six control screens, Screen/page, Description & operation – Wellsaw 1316S-Auto User Manual

Page 14

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The following is a description of items that will assist in
operating and manipulating data for the CNC length control.
These basic tools will be used in all the pages or screens

1. Use the up and down arrows to move around on the

current page displayed. The red light will be on next to
the arrow if it is allowed to move in that direction.

2. Use the left and right arrows to move from page to

page. The “ESC” key must be used to return from the
direction you came, not the arrow key.

3. When changing the value of any number on any page,

the desired number to must be on the top of the 2 line
display. Then the “MOD” button is pushed. Enter the
new value and then push the “Enter” button. The new
value will then be showing.

4. If a message or alarm shows on the display and you

want to clear to perform other tasks simply push the
“ESC” button. If there is an active message the red
alarm light will be on. To display the alarm again, push
the “SHIFT” and “ENTER” key.

5. In several pages there is a RESET for sequences or

quantity. To use this reset, enter a value of 1 in the data
fi eld by using the mod and enter key. The value will
automatically change back to “0” after momentarily “1”.
The reset is then complete.

6. There are two small lights at the top left corner of the

operator interface. The top red one should remain blink-
ing continuously, indicating the communication with the
control computer is OK. The machine cannot run and
will automatically shut down if the light stops blinking.
The lower green button indicates the current membrane
button is activating when pushed.


Description & Operation


Default page that appears when machine is fi rst started.

Single length indicates the length of part and continu-
ous cuts at that length. The fi rst line of data is LENGTH
=. This can be changed at any time.

If the LENGTH = is changed while running in automatic
mode, the next length the barfeed locates will be the
new value entered. The number is in inches and is pro-
grammable with accuracy of 1/1000th of an inch.

The second piece of data is the “QUANTITY”. This is
the number of preset parts that will be cut before the
machine stops. If a value of zero is in this fi eld the ma-
chine will continue to run until out of stock.

The next piece of data is the “ CUTS COMPLETE”.
This shows how many parts have been cut. This
number can be changed if desired or reset using the
“RESET COUNT” on the touch key.

Metric Length is also provided in millimeters. If this
“LENGTH” mm is changed it also changes the ENG-
LISH inch value of the single length. The conversion
works in both directions. So that both metric and ENG-
LISH are always availabl



This page is informational, and contains the following data:

CUT TIME : Current time in seconds required to make
a cut.

PREVIOUS CUT TIME: Time in seconds it took to com-
plete the previous cut.

CUT TO CUT CYCLE TIME: Length of time it takes in
seconds to automatically cut a complete part.

CUTS THIS BLADE: Number of cuts made on the ma-
chine since the last “reset” of the blade cuts was done.

RESET BLADE CUTS: Resets the “cuts this blade”
number to zero. To reset , enter a “1.” The value will
momentarily go to 1 and then back to zero.

SAW BLADE RUN TIME: Total time the saw blade has
run since it was new. This value cannot be changed or


Contains machine parameters that are adjustable. Most of
these are factory set and will not have to be changed.

• KERF: Width of material the blade takes when making

a cut. The machine must know this value in order to
make accurate cuts. The default for a 1 inch blade is
55 or 0.055”. A wide kerf blade may take more material
out in a cut, so this value may have to be increased.

EXAMPLE: If a 1.000 inch part was being cut and the
actual measurement was 0.997 inches, the kerf would
have to be changed from 055 to 058 to get a perfect
1.000 inch part. After this change, all lengths will be ac-
curate for this type of blade.

• ACCURACY: Factory default is 3 which provides

positioning accuracy of better than +/- 0.002”. It can be
adjusted between 2 and 20. The purpose of a higher
number is only for cycle time in applications of long
lengths or production applications where 1 or 2 seconds
per part or shuttle makes a difference. The shuttle cycle
time is slightly faster due to positioning time for a higher
accuracy value such as 10 or 15.
A value of 10 would give a shuttle accuracy of +/-