Spectra Precision Survey Pro CE v3.80 Ranger GPS Reference Manual User Manual
Page 82
GPS Reference Manual
Although the graphic portion of the screen is continuously updated,
the numeric values are not updated until the
6KRW button is tapped.
The correct procedure for slope staking in GPS mode is to use the
graphic portion of the screen to locate the catch point as closely as
possible and press
6KRW. Once the position is satisfactory, you can
determine if the rover needs to be moved again.
GPS Status
: displays the current solution
type, the number of satellites used, and the
horizontal and vertical precision computed by
the receiver. Tap on this button to open the
detailed GPS Status screens (Page R-20).
5 Hz Mode
: switches the receiver from one Hz
to five Hz mode. When this box is checked, the
receiver will compute positions five times a
second so the display will update in near real
time while you are roving to the point.
The first button selects the type of slope that
will be used between the catch point and hinge
point from the following options:
$XWRPDWLF 6ORSH : selects the slope based on the current
rover position. If the rover is above the hinge point, a cut
slope is computed. If the rover is below the hinge point, a fill
slope is computed.
)RUFH &87 6ORSH : forces all computations to be based on a
cut slope.
)RUFH ),// 6ORSH : forces all computations to be based on a
fill slope.
The second button selects which information is displayed in the lower
corner of the screen from the following options:
9 0DS : displays a cross-sectional view at the current
Note: When you tap a map view, an expanded view of the same map
will fill the screen.