Operation – Seed Hawk TOOLBAR 2008 User Manual
Page 43

Ideally, the most effective seeding, fertilizer
banding and soil packing occurs when the
implement is pulled in a straight line. Some
field conditions will not allow all of the
seeding to occur in a straight line. It is
important to remember that as the packer tire
is following a curved path, it will tend to ride
up on one side of the furrow. Seed and
fertilizer placement, as well as, packing
performance are all compromised.
Furrow Depth and Width
The knives are designed to place fertilizer
0.75 in (19 mm) below and 1.5 in (38 mm) to
the side of the seed.
FIG. 13
To adjust the depth of the
fertilizer knife in relation to the
seed knife:
“Y ”
1. Loosen hardware, #1 FIG.
2. Raise or lower fertilizer knife
NOTE: Factory setting for
fertilizer knife is “Y”: 20.75
in (527 mm) from the
carbide tip to the corner on
the trip plate as shown in
FIG. 14.
3. Tighten hardware.
FIG. 14