4 physical user interface, 5 accessories (optional), 1 mounting – LumaSense Technologies IN 6/78-L User Manual

Page 11: 2 cooling, 3 miscellaneous

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IN 6/78-L Operating Manual

Introduction · 11

2.4 Physical User Interface

2.5 Accessories (optional)

Numerous accessories guarantee easy installation of the pyrometer. The following overview
shows a selection of suitable accessories. You can find the entire accessory program with all
reference numbers in Chapter


, Reference numbers).

2.5.1 Mounting

For easy mounting and aligning the pyrometer to the
measured object an adjustable mounting angle is

2.5.2 Cooling

The completely covered water cooling jacket made
from stainless steel protects the pyrometer if exposed
to a hot environment. It is designed for ambient
temperatures up to 180 °C.

2.5.3 Miscellaneous

The air purge protects the lens from contamination
with dust and moisture. It has to be supplied with dry
and oil free pressurized air and generates an air
stream shaped like a cone. The pyrometer can be
easily fixed on a vacuum chamber with the KF 16
vacuum support with sighting window.

