Elitegroup A900 (V2.1) User Manual
Page 58

This option sets the type of device for the second boot drives that
AMIBIOS attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes.
The settings are Disabled, HDD, CD-ROM and USB FDD
(default value).
Boot Device
This option sets the type of device for the third boot drives that the
AMIBOOS attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes.
The settings are Disabled, HDD, CD-ROM (default value)
and USB FDD.
S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks
Set this option to Enabled to permit AMIBIOS to use the SMART
(System Management System and Reporting Technologies) protocol
for reporting server system information over a network.
The settings are Enabled or Disabled (default value).
TouchPad Support
Set this option to enabled or disabled the touchpad. The default
setting is Enabled.
Password Check
This option enables password checking every time the system boots or
when you run AMIBIOS Setup. If Always is chosen, a user password
prompt appears every time the computer is turned on. If Setup is
chosen, the password prompt appears if AMIBIOS is executed.
PCI IDE BusMaster
Set this option to Enabled to specify that the IDE controller on the
PCI bus has bus mastering capability.
The settings are Disabled (default value) or Enabled.
Share Memory Size
This field shows the share memory size available.