Step 2, Step 3 – Anthro Steve’s Station Office Assembly Instructions User Manual

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Steve's Station Assembly Instructions


steP 2

once you’re in tHe room


Determine the location and orientation of the

assembled table.


Roll the table into place. Leave about two feet behind

the table so you have room to move during assembly.


Use the hand-holds on the wood lifting frame to lift

the table off the dollies and to the floor. The table's

just as heavy as it was when you put it on the dollies,

so be sure you have enough people for this lift.


If you have casters for the table, install them now.

Unscrew the feet that the table came with first. Next,

install a washer over each caster’s threaded stem and

install the casters.


Using the hand-holds on the wood lifting frame, rotate

the table onto its feet.


Locate the padded envelope and find a 5/32" hex

Anthro driver inside. Using that driver, remove the two

screws securing the wood lifting frame to the table

bracket (one screw per bracket).


Slide each wood lifting frame away from the table and discard.


Remove and discard the protective foam next to the bracket.


At the rear of the table, remove the black steel lifting brackets from the table frame using the Anthro driver. Recycle

these with your metal recycling.


Route the power cable through the end of the cable enclosure (left side or right side) and plug in the table. Check

that the connections on the Control Box are secure.

steP 3

Home tHe tAble


From the front of the table, locate the keypad just under the worksurface on the right side.


Move the table to its lowest position. Let go the button and press the DOWN button again and hold it for five

seconds. The table will bump a few times and settle into place.