Getting started, Welcome, Step 1 – Anthro Steve’s Station Office Assembly Instructions User Manual
Page 2: Tools
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Steve's Station!
If you have any questions or if we can
help you in any way, please contact us
at 800.325.3841.
steP 1
Make sure you have enough space around the pallet to work. Allow about 8ft x
10ft plus space to stage accessories.
Cut the strapping that secures the box to the pallet and remove the box.
Remove and inventory the parts boxes inside. Using the Parts List on this
Using the 1/2” socket and ratchet, remove the four 5/16” hex bolts securing the
table to the pallet. One in each of the two black stablizer brackets against the
worksurface and one in each of the triangular hand-holds in the wood braces.
Flatten the side of the cardboard tray nearest the table’s worksurface. Roll your
two furniture dollies up to the pallet and tuck the side of the tray under the
edge of your dollies.
With one or two people on each end of the table, use the hand-holds on the
wood lifting frame to lift the table off the pallet and onto the dollies. Tables
weigh as much as 450 lbs. Make sure you have enough people to safely
perform this lift!
Carefully move the table and any accessory boxes to the installation
GettinG stArteD
These tools are required but not provided for this installation:
Box Knife
1/2" Socket
Four-wheel furniture dollies (2 ea)
The following tool is required and
provided in a padded envelope:
5/32" Hex Anthro Driver