Ncalibration history menu – Yokogawa SPS24 User Manual
Page 25

<4. Database Viewer>
IM 12A01S02-01E
1st Edition : May 10, 2013-00
Generates a backup file to save the data.
Choose whether to save the entire data or individual data (select with a checkbox).
Enter the file name (the default name is smart1_(yymmddhhmmss).smf) and save the file.
Imports a backup file that was generated with [Export]. Import is not required when operation is
normal. Data of connected sensors cannot be imported.
Select the target file and choose whether to import the entire data or individual data. In the case
of individual data, first choose either digital pH/ORP or non-digital pH/ORP and then pick the
required data.
If the target ID already exists, the confirmation screen will appear.
Calibration history menu
Clicking on [pH history], [ORP/rH history], or [Temperature history] displays the calibration history
data for the selected sensor. Up to 100 recent calibration histories can be displayed.
This can also be accessed from “Tool” –“Calibration history” on the menu bar.
On the calibration history screen, you can switch among “pH”, “ORP/rH”, and “Temperature” from
the pull down menu at the top center of the screen.
[Add data], [Delete data], [Edit data]
These are only available for non-digital pH/ORP. They can be used for managing non-digital pH/
ORP sensor data with the database.