2 setting engineering units – Yokogawa MLX User Manual
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IM 60A02S01-01E-A
5.2 Setting Engineering Units
The standard configuration of the MLX sets the engineering units to 0-100% with two decimal
places. Also, after calibration, the MLX will be set to 0-100% with two decimal places. (Refer to
the Maintenance section for instructions on calibrating the MLX.) If other engineering units are
desired, they must be setup. The following procedure illustrates an example of using units of 200-
400 m
Before setting the engineering units full scale value, be sure to first set the number of
decimal places (selected from the “Decimal point” menu). If the decimal places are not set
first, the desired full scale value may be unable to be set. For example, the factory default
setting of the MLX is 0 – 100% with 2 decimal places. If a new full scale value of 100000 is
desired and the number of decimal places is not set to 0, the maximum value that can be
set is 9999.99. (The display has six digits. If there are two decimal places, only four digits
remain for adjustment.)
Set decimal places first when setting engineering full scale value.
(a) Touch the “Menu” button to enter the menu system.
The alphanumeric display reads “Setup”.
(b) Touch
to begin the setup routine.
The alphanumeric display reads “Calibrate”.
(c) Touch
to advance to the next menu item.
The alphanumeric display reads “Eng units”.
(d) Touch
to select the Eng units routine.
The alphanumeric display reads “Set Units”.
(e) Touch
to select the Units routine.
The alphanumeric display reads “Common”. The choices here are:
1. Common units – Use to select units from a common set of units
2. Alphabetical – Use to select units from an alphabetical list
3. Clear Units – Use to clear selected units when it is desired to display no units
to select “Common” or
to select another desired method. In this
example, we will use Common units.
(f) Touch
to select “Common” units.
The alphanumeric display reads “%”.
(g) Touch
repeatedly to scroll forward through the units (or
to scroll backwards).
(h) When the desired unit is shown (in this case, m
/h), touch
to select the unit.
The alphanumeric display shows “Units = m3h” for a few seconds. Then the alphanumeric
display shows “Eng unit 0 value”. At this point, the zero value for the range can be set (i.e.
in this example, the range is 200 to 400. So the zero value is 200.)
(i) Touch
to select “Eng unit 0 value”.
The alphanumeric display reads “Zero Unit Value”.
(j) Touch
to set the zero value.