Watlow ANAWIN 3 User Manual

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Doc.# 22852-10

Watlow Anafaze




This guide describes how to install, set up, and operate
AnaWin version 3 for the PPC-2000.

AnaWin3 is Windows


95, Windows


98, and NT software

that allows you to program and monitor one or more PPC-
2000 controllers from a single PC. AnaWin3 allows you to log
data to disk, graph data, schedule automatic recipe changes,
manage alarms, manage recipes, configure control parame-
ters, create custom overview screens, and use the advanced
control features of your Watlow Anafaze PPC-2000 controller
through a graphical user interface.

Using this Guide

This guide is intended for both experienced and inexperienced
users. If you are an experienced user, you may want to skim
parts of this guide. If you are an inexperienced user, you
should read the entire guide carefully. We assume that
AnaWin3 users have a basic knowledge of Windows.

The information in this guide is organized into the following

Chapter 1, Overview: Describes how to use this guide,
AnaWin3 on-line help, and Watlow Anafaze contact in-

Chapter 2, Installation: Describes how to install
AnaWin3 and how to use the configuration program to
connect to one or more controllers.

Chapter 3, OLE Reference: Describes OLE (Object
Linking and Embedding), which is used in the inter-
change of data with other Windows95 applications.