2 lcm functions, 1 manually switching stations, 2 cycling through stations – IEI Integration LKM_Series User Manual

Page 66: 3 station name editing

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LKM Series Console Drawer

4.2.2 LCM Functions

The following sections describe the LCM functions. Manually Switching Stations

When the LKM series console drawer is initially connected to a power source, "Power On"

is displayed on the LCM; afterwards, "Station 001" is displayed indicating that the system

connected to station 1 ports is currently active. Use the "UP" and "Down" button to activate

control over other stations. The station range is from "station 000" to "station 007". Cycling Through Stations

Press the "AUTO/EDIT" button to activate the automatic switching function. Press the

"AUTO/EDIT" button and the console will continuously cycle through all available stations

at an interval of 10 seconds. Press the "AUTO/EDIT" button again to stop the cycling

sequence. Station Name Editing

The station name editing functions allow users to input the name of each computer station

on the LCM. The maximum number of input characters is 16. The following procedure is

used as an example of how to change “STATION 001” to "ICP ALPHA SERVER".

Available characters for naming are: A to Z, 0 to 9, space and the following symbols: ! " # $

% & / ( ) * + , - . / = < > ? @ [ ] _

Step 1:

Switch to "Station 001" on the LCM (see Section

Step 2:

Press the "AUTO/EDIT" button for more than 3 seconds, or until a blinking

cursor is seen on the LCM, to enter edit mode.

Step 3:

Press the "UP” or “DOWN" button until reaching the character "I".

Step 4:

Press the "AUTO/EDIT" button to select the "I" character.

Step 5:

Press the "UP” or “DOWN" button until reaching the character "C".

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