7 external peripheral interface connectors, Xternal, Eripheral – IEI Integration TANK-820-H61 v1.00 User Manual

Page 38: Nterface, Onnectors, Figure 3-10: foot pad installation

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TANK-820 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 25

Figure 3-10: Foot Pad Installation

3.7 Exte rn a l P e rip h e ra l In te rfa c e Co n n e c to rs

The TANK-820 has the following connectors. Detailed descriptions of the connectors can

be found in the subsections below.

 ACC mode switch

 AT/ATX power mode switch

 Audio

 CompactFlash® Type II



 Ethernet

 Power button

 Power DC jack

 Power terminal block

 Reset button

 RS-232