7 led indicators, Ndicators, Figure 1-4: tank-820 led indicators – IEI Integration TANK-820-H61 v1.00 User Manual
Page 21: Table 1-3: led indicators description, 7 led in d ic a to rs

TANK-820 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 8
1.7 LED In d ic a to rs
There are several indicators on the rear panel of the TANK-820 as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4: TANK-820 LED Indicators
The descriptions of each LED indicator are listed below.
LED In d ic a to r
De s c rip tio n
AT Power Mode
The current power mode status is AT mode.
Controlled by the AT/ATX power mode switch.
ATX Power Mode
The current power mode status is ATX mode.
Controlled by the AT/ATX power mode switch.
Power 1
Breathing orange: Standby mode.
Power 2
Solid blue: Power-on mode.
Shows HDD status.
CPU Temperature Alert
BLUE: CPU temperature is normal.
RED: CPU temperature is too high.
Table 1-3: LED Indicators Description
The CPU Temperature Alert LED turns red when the CPU temperature
is too high. If this situation occurs, lower the environment temperature
or close some running applications to cool down the CPU.