Vestil PST series User Manual
Page 4

• Working with or near lead acid batteries is dangerous. Batteries contain sulfuric acid and produce explosive gases. A
battery explosion could result in loss of eyesight or serious burns.
• Do not smoke or allow a spark or flame near batteries. Charge batteries in locations which are clean, dry, and well-
ventilated. Do not lay tools or anything metallic on top of any battery. All repairs to a battery must be made by
experienced and qualified personnel.
• When working with batteries, remove personal items such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches. Batteries can
produce enough energy to weld jewelry to metal, causing a severe burn.
• Always have fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts skin, clothing, or eyes.
• Operating the battery with a low battery voltage can cause premature motor contact failure.
• Do not expose the lift or charger to rain or adverse conditions.
• Replace defective cords or wires immediately.
• Check the battery's water level frequently.
Battery Charger Operating Instructions
Never operate the charger with either of the cables coiled. Operating the unit with the cord wrapped around itself could
cause the cord to overheat, melt, and cause a short-circuit or a fire.
Plug the charger into a standard 115V receptacle. If an extension cord must be used, keep it as short as possible.
Connection: the ribbed wire of the charger's output cord must be connected to the battery's negative (-) terminal. The
non-ribbed wire must be connected to the battery's positive (+) terminal. Reversing this polarity will blow the charger's
output fuse.
When properly connected, the charger will indicate the status of the charger output.
Flashing green, solid red LED - the charger is not seeing a good connection to the battery of the charger's
output fuse has blown.
Solid yellow and red LED's - the charger is providing charging current to the battery.
Solid green and red LED's - the charger is maintaining a fully-charged battery.
CAUTION: Remember to unplug the charger before moving the equipment. Failure to do so could cause damage to
cords, receptacles and other equipment.
If unit does not operate, check all of the wiring connections to make sure they're both mechanically and electrically
sound - specifically at the battery, the motor, and at any location a wire is connected to the chassis. Also make sure the
quick-connection plug on the end of the pendant control cord is plugged in correctly.
A fully-charged lead acid battery in good condition at room temperature should read 12.65 volts. At 11.9 volts it is
considered to be fully discharged and in need of charging. When check battery voltage, wait at least 1/2 hour after the
charger has been turned off before checking the batter's voltage.
If the batteries don't seem to be taking a charge, check the charger's 115V supply circuit, the charger's 10A output
fuse, and the charger's output with a voltmeter. If all check okay, confirm the battery's state of charge using a
hydrometer or a voltmeter.