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Installation Instructions
ACCW/RW/IQ Wireless Sensors Repeater Installation Instructions TG200852 Issue 1/A 20/06/05
The only certain way of determining performance in a specific location is to conduct a range
test and RF spectrum scan for other potential users.
Both the path survey and spectrum scan are normally conducted prior to installing. However,
as by its nature the 434 MHz AMR system is intended for short-range applications, in practice
interference is extremely rare, and the FR capture effect prevails, (nearest signal wins). This,
in most cases, obviates the need for a spectrum survey, leaving only the path survey.
If a confidence scan is required, both the desired and adjacent channels should be checked
for signals. As transmissions may be intermittent it is important to take time with the scan,
stopping for as long as possible on each channel and looking for at least 15 minutes on the
final chosen band.
In white walled buildings (rooms thermally insulated with foam and aluminium; food industry)
best performance may be found by mounting the repeater in the loft space above the white
walled area. There will always be a degree of leakage in a white wall building, and once out
of a room, propagation is much easier in a loft space compared to between white walled rooms.
Mount unit
Ensure antenna is vertical
158 mm
2 holes Ø 9 mm
Connect Power
230 Vac 50 Hz 1 W maximum
Either use 13 A UK style fused plug provided
or wire to a fused spur (fuse: 1 A 250 V HRC
20 mm)