Inputbox(), Nput, 2 inputbox() – Teledyne LeCroy UWBTracer Verification Script Engine Manual User Manual

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LeCroy Corporation

Verification Script Engine Manual, version 2.2

21.2 InputBox()

Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns a CSL list

object or string containing the contents of the text box. (See the CSL Manual for details about list objects.)


InputBox(prompt, title, default_text, return_type)



Required. String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box.


Optional. String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.
If title is omitted, the script name is placed in the title bar.


Optional. String expression displayed in the text box as the default response
if no other input is provided. If default_text is omited, the text box is displayed empty.


Optional. It specifies the contents of the return object.

The return_type argument values are:




CSL list object is returned


by Default





String input as it was typed in the text box

Return Values:

Depending on the return_type argument, this function returns either a CSL list object or the text typed in the text
box as it is.

If return_type = _IB_LIST (by default), the text in the text box is considered to be a set of list items divided by ','
(only hexadecimal, decimal and string items are currently supported).

For example, the text:

Hello world !!!, 12, Something, 0xAA, 10, "1221"

produces a CSL list object (5 items):

list = [ "Hello world !!!", 12, "Something", 0xAA, 10, "1221" ];

list [0] = "Hello world !!!"

list [1] = 12

list [2] = "Something"

list [3] = 0xAA

list [4] = 10

list [5] = "1212"

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