Isasverificationscript interface – Teledyne LeCroy SAS_SATA Automation API manual User Manual
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Teledyne LeCroy
SASTrace Object
Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite
ISASVerificationScript Interface
The ISASVerificationScript interface is an interface for the SASTrace object. It exposes the
trace functionality for running verification scripts. This interface is not dua, which means
that scripting languages cannot use it directly, though all of its methods described below
are exposed to script languages through the primary automation interface of the
SASTrace object.
Verification scripts are scripts written in a special manner using the CATC Script Language
(CSL). These scripts can be “run” over a recorded trace to “verify” the trace for some
verification conditions or to extract more advanced information from the trace. Such
scripts use a special feature of the Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite application,
its Verification Script Engine.
Please refer to the SASTracer Manual, SASTracer Verification Script Engine Manual, and
File Based Decoding Manual for more details.
The functions of this interface may be legally called either for regular traces or multi‐
segmented traces. The VSE will open segments of the multi‐segmented trace during
script execution when needed.