Teledyne LeCroy SAS_SATA Automation API manual User Manual

Page 135

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Automation API for Teledyne LeCroy SAS/SATA Protocol Suite


SASVScriptEngine Object Events

Teledyne LeCroy

fileToOpen = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2)
Set Trace = SASTracer.OpenFile( fileToOpen )
Set IVScript = Trace ' Get the IfcVerificationScript


Set VSEngine = IVScript.GetVScriptEngine( ScriptName )

' "Subscribe" for receiving VSE events.
' The X variable (an instance of VSEngineEventsModule


' handles them.

Set X.VSEEvents = VSEngine


VSEngine.Tag = 12 ' Assign a tag for VSE object.
VSEngine.RunVScript ' Run verification script.

Set X.VSEEvents = Nothing
' "Unsubscribe" for receiving VSE events.

Set VSEngine = Nothing ' Release external
Set IVScript = Nothing ' objects.

End Sub