System Sensor SC-6 User Manual
Page 3

4. A shunt is provided to disable a maximum of three unused modules
(see Figure 7). Modules are disabled from the highest address and work
downward. If two modules are disabled, the lowest four addresses will
be functional, while the highest two will be disabled. For example, if
the shunt for Address Disable is placed on “two” and the base address
switch is set to 28, the modules will be assigned to 28, 29, 30 and 31,
disabling the higher two positions.
NOTE: In Class A operation, placing the small shunt on “disable 3” will dis-
able all three addresses. Placing the small shunt on “disable 2” will disable
two out of the three addresses. For example, if the address switch is set to
28 and the small shunt is placed on “disable 2”, addresses 30 and 32 will be
disabled while address 28 will be enabled.
5. There is a short circuit protection option for each address. The board
is shipped with short circuit protection disabled for each address rep-
resented by six large shunts on the “Disable Short Circuit Protection”
area. To enable short circuit protection for an address, remove the corre-
sponding shunts from the “Disable Short Circuit Protection” area. When
enabled, the module will not switch power supply if a short circuit con-
dition exists on a notification appliance circuit.
NOTE: Short circuit protection may only be enabled if power supply monitor-
ing is enabled.
6. There is a power supply monitor that must be enabled to facilitate short
circuit protection (see Figure 7). The module is shipped with power sup-
ply monitoring enabled represented by six large shunts on the pins of the
“Enable Power Supply Monitor” area.
NOTE: Power supply monitoring should not be used for audio applications.
The short circuit protection feature is also not available for audio applications.
NOTE: The XP6-C does not provide ring back when used as a
firefighter telephone circuit.
NOTE: This feature is not for use with all Fire Alarm Control Panels. Please
consult with Technical Services before enabling this feature.
NOTE: Place unused shunts on single pin to store on board for future use.
NOTE: SLC wiring is the top terminal block, notification appliance/power sup-
ply is the bottom.
NOTE: Power must not be applied to the unit when changing functionality of
the shunts.
NOTE: Whether in Class B or Class A wiring, power supply monitoring and
short circuit protection must be enabled on the NAC circuits that are sharing
a power supply.
NOTE: Short circuit protection can only be disabled if a power supply is not
being shared by multiple NACs.
• Power-limited circuits must employ type FPL, FPLR, or FPLP cable as
required by Article 760 of the NEC.
• For easier wiring, assign all power-limited wiring to one side of the en-
closure rather than alternating with non power-limited.
For Class B, Style Y applications (figures 8, 9, and 12 are typical): connect the
positive terminal of the notification appliance(s) to the NAC+ terminal and
the negative device terminal to the adjacent NAC- terminal. Connect one (for
each NAC) of the supplied EOL resistors across the NAC+ and NAC- wires, at
the ends farthest away from the NAC terminal of the SC-6.
For Class A, Style Z applications (figures 10, 11, and 13 are typical) wire the
NACs per table 2. The A/B select shunt must be removed prior to connecting
the SC-6 to the SLC. The EOL resistors should not be used. The SC-6 is capable
of supporting 3 Class A, Style Z NACs. The SC-6 will only respond at the base
address, base address +2, and base address +4 (assuming no addresses have
been disabled).
D500-50-00 3 I56-1802-012
The steps in Figures 6a and 6b describe and illustrate module installation
when the rear chassis position and the position in front of it will be filled.
Front position installation is possible only if the rear position is filled with
another module.
Step 1: Insert the bottom edge of the SC-6 module down into a rear slot of
the chassis.
Step 2: Carefully swing the upper edge of the board towards the back of the
chassis until it touches the short standoff attached to the chassis.
Step 3: Align the long standoff with the short standoff and tighten.
Step 1: Insert the bottom edge of the SC-6 module down into a front slot of
the chassis.
Step 2: Carefully swing the upper edge of the board towards the back of the
chassis until it touches the 11/4˝ (31.75mm) standoffs installed on
the rear module.
Step 3: Align two 4-40 screws with the two standoffs and tighten.
Step 4: Address and wire the modules according to the instructions in this
NOTE: All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and
1. Install module wiring in accordance with the job drawings and appropri-
ate wiring diagrams.
2. All wiring to the SC-6 is done via terminal blocks. In order to properly
make electrical connections strip approximately 1/4˝ of insulation from
the end of wire, sliding the bare end of the wire under the clamping plate
3. Set the address on the modules per the job drawing. Use the rotary code
switches to set the address of the first module (between 01 and 94).
In Class B operation, the remaining modules are automatically assigned to the
next five higher addresses. For example, if the base address switch is set to 28,
the next five modules will be addressed to 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33.
In Class A operation, a maximum of three Class A circuits are available. For
example, if the base address switch is set to 28, 30 and 32 will be automati-
cally assigned to the modules while 29, 31 and 33 are available to be used
for other modules on the SLC. For Class A and B operation, DO NOT set the
lowest address above 94, as the other modules will be assigned to nonexistent