System Sensor 2D51 User Manual
Page 2

SenSiTiviTY verificaTion
The sensitivity of the sensor is confirmed to be operating within its allowable
range each time the sensor and power board LEDs blink green every 5 sec-
onds. Note in a maintenance condition the sensor LEDs will blink red every 5
seconds and power board will blink amber. The maintenance condition indi-
cates that the sensor is operating outside its original factory preset sensitivity
and shall be cleaned or replaced. This is a valid UL test.
Notify the proper authorities that the system is back on line.
Detectors that fail these tests should be cleaned as described below and re-
tested. If the detectors still fail these tests, they should be returned for repair.
mainTenance of ducT Smoke deTecTorS
Duct smoke detector should be tested and inspected in accordance with NFPA
72 recommendations. Detectors should be tested annually and visually in-
spected semiannually. It may be necessary to clean or maintain duct smoke
detectors more frequently based on indoor air quality conditions.
If any unitary packaged air conditioning units are run during the drywall in-
stallation phase of any building under construction to accelerate the drying of
joint compound, the subsequent sanding of those drywall joints and resulting
dust may compromise the sensor heads in duct smoke detectors.
The 2D51 sensor head in 4-wire InnovairFlex duct smoke detectors may exhibit
a “maintenance” condition that will require cleaning of the sensing chambers
on the sensor head or replacement of the sensor head. The “maintenance”
condition is indicated at the fire alarm panel if present or on the sensor or
power board of the duct smoke detector (the sensor LED will blink “red” every
five seconds and the power board LED will blink “amber every five seconds).
To avoid this condition, it is recommended that the sensor heads be removed
during the construction phase and replaced once construction is completed
and the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The sensor heads twist out for
removal and twist in for insertion.
Before removing the detector, notify the proper authorities that the smoke
detector system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of
service. Disable the zone or system undergoing maintenance to prevent un-
wanted alarms. If the sensor heads are not removed during the construction
phase and the senor chamber becomes dirty causing a maintenance condition
(it will not always be visible on the exterior black screen on the sensor head),
the sensor head must be cleaned with compressed air. To clean the sensor
head chamber, follow the following step-by-step instructions:
1. Remove the sensor to be cleaned from the system.
2. Remove the sensor cover by pressing firmly on each of the four removal
tabs that hold the cover in place.
3. Vacuum the screen carefully without removing it.
4. Remove the chamber cover/screen assembly by pulling it straight out.
5. Use a vacuum cleaner or compressed air to remove dust and debris from
the sensing chamber.
figure 1. co-LocaTed innovair fLex ducT Smoke deTecTor:
6. Reinstall the chamber cover/screen assembly by sliding the edge over the
sensing chamber. Turn until it is firmly in place.
7. Replace the cover using the LEDs to align the cover and then gently
pushing it until it locks into place.
8. Reinstall the detector.
1. Reinstall the detector in its housing.
2. Restore system power.
3. Perform Detector Check.
4. Notify the proper authorities testing has been completed and the smoke
detector system is back in operation.
NOTE: Verify sensor cover gasket is properly seated on cover prior to cover
installation. Refer to applicable Innovair Flex duct smoke detector installation
manual for more information.
NOTE: If excessive dust is found in the detector housing and/or sampling
tubes they should also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or compressed air.
figure 2:
2 I56-3140-003R