System Sensor 2D51 User Manual
2d51 photoelectric smoke detector

1 I56-3140-003R
2d51 Photoelectric Smoke detector
for uSe WiTh innovairfLex 4-Wire ducT Smoke
deTecTor houSingS or PendanT mounT aPPLicaTionS
inSTaLLaTion and mainTenance inSTrucTionS
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Before inSTaLLing
Please thoroughly read the System Sensor manual A05-1003, Applications
Guide for System Smoke Detectors, which provides detailed information on
detector spacing, placement, zoning, wiring, and special applications. Copies
of this manual are available from System Sensor.
NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: The detector must be tested and maintained regularly following
NFPA 72 requirements. The detector should be cleaned at least once a year.
generaL deScriPTion
The 2D51 photoelectronic detector uses a state-of-the-art optical sensing
chamber. This detector is designed to provide protection in duct applications
when installed with an Innovair Flex 4-wire duct smoke detector housing and
to be used with compatible UL listed control panels only.
The 2D51 can also be used in pendant mount applications when installed with
a B210LP or B501 base and D4P120 power board components.
Two LEDs on each detector provide local visible alarm indication. They flash
every five seconds indicating that power is applied and the detector is working
properly. The LEDs latch on in alarm. LEDs will be off when a trouble condi-
tion exists indicating that the detector sensitivity is outside the listed limit.
See applicable Innovair Flex duct smoke detector installation manual for more
information.. The alarm can be reset by a momentary power interruption,
test/reset button, or remote test accessory with reset function. This detector
may be tested by activating the internal reed switch with a magnet, test/reset
button, or remote test accessory.
NOTE: All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and
Remove power from initiating-device circuits before installing detectors.
1. Install detectors:
a. Place the detector into the detector base.
b. Turn the detector clockwise until the detector drops into place.
c. Continue turning detector clockwise to lock it in place.
2. After all detectors have been installed, apply power to the control unit.
3. Test the detector using the test/reset button or magnet as described
4. Reset the detector at the system control panel or on power board.
5. Notify the proper authorities that the system is back on line.
Dust covers are an effective way to limit the entry of dust into smoke detector sens-
ing chambers. However, they may not completely prevent airborne dust particles
from entering the detector. Therefore, System Sensor recommends the removal
of detectors before beginning construction or other dust producing activity.
Be sure to remove the dust covers from any sensors that were left in place dur-
ing construction as part of returning the system to service.
Before testing, notify the proper authorities that the smoke detector system
is undergoing maintenance and will temporarily be out of service. Detectors
must be tested after installation and as part of periodic maintenance. Test the
2D51 as follows:
2.0 in
4.1 in; 6.1 in
3.1 oz. (88 g)
Operating Temperature Range:
–20°C to 70°C (–4°F to 158°F)
Operating Humidity Range:
0% to 95% Relative Humidity Non-condensing
NOTE: Before testing the detector, check to ensure the the power board LEDs
blink. If they do not, the detector may not have power or may not be installed
properly (check the wiring), if it is defective, or the detector sensitivity is out-
side the listed limits return it for repair.
aLarm TeSTS
1a. Test/Reset Button - Press and hold the test button located on the power
board cover for at least 2 seconds.
1b. M02-04-00 Magnet Test - Place the painted surface of the magnet onto
the MAGNET TEST location on the sensor cover or the duct smoke
detector (Figure 1).
2. The red alarm LED on the sensor and the power board should latch on,
as should any accessories (i.e. RA100Z, RTS151). Verify system control
panel alarm status and control panel execution of all intended auxiliary
functions (i.e fan shutdown, damper control, etc.).
3. The detector must be reset by the system control panel, front cover Test/
Reset button, or remote accessory.
4. To reset using the Test/Reset button on the power board cover simply
press and release.
Smoke reSPonSe TeSTS
To determine if smoke is capable of entering the sensing chamber, visually
identify any obstructions. Plug the exhaust and sampling tube holes to pre-
vent ducted air from carrying smoke away from the detector head, then blow
smoke such as cigarette, cotton wick, or punk directly at the head to cause
Smoke enTrY uSing aeroSoL Smoke
This test is intended for low-flow systems (100-500 FPM). If the air speed is
greater than 500 FPM, use a conventional manometer to measure differential
pressure between the sampling tubes, as described per the installation manual
provided with the duct smoke detector.
Drill a
inch hole 3 feet upstream from the duct smoke detector. With the air
handler on, measure the air velocity with an anemometer. Air speed must be
at least 100 FPM. Spray aerosol smoke* into the duct through the
inch hole
for five seconds. Wait two minutes for the duct smoke detector to alarm. If the
duct smoke detector alarms, air is flowing through the detector. Remove the
duct smoke detector cover and blow out the residual aerosol smoke from the
chamber and reset the duct smoke detector. Use duct tape to seal the aerosol
smoke entry hole.
*Aerosol smoke can be purchased from Home Safeguard Industries at home-, model 25S Smoke Detector Tester, and Chekkit Smoke Detector
Tester model CHEK02 and CHEK06 available from SDi. When used properly,
the canned smoke agent will cause the smoke detector to go into alarm. Re-
fer to the manufacturer’s published instructions for proper use of the canned
smoke agent.
Canned aerosol simulated smoke (canned smoke agent) formulas will vary by
manufacturer. Misuse or overuse to these products may have long term adverse
effects on the smoke detector. Consult the canned smoke agent manufacturer’s
published instructions for any further warnings or caution statements.