System Sensor SPSW-ALERT User Manual
Selectable output amber lens speaker/strobe

selectable output amber Lens
insTaLLaTion and mainTenanCe insTrUCTions
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
GeneraL desCripTion
The SpectrAlert Advance amber lens strobe products offer an amber colored
strobe with the word “ALERT” printed on the white housing to comply with
the latest standard for mass notification systems. They are designed to be used
in 12 or 24 volt, DC or FWR (full wave rectified) systems. Amber lens strobes
are UL Listed under 1638 (Visual Signaling Appliances) for Private Mode Gen-
eral Utility Signaling. Device may be mounted to either wall or ceiling. All
SpectrAlert Advance products are suitable for use in synchronized systems.
The System Sensor MDL module may be used to provide synchronization. The
speaker portion can be operated with distribution amplifiers having an output
voltage of either 25 or 70.7 volts. With its low total harmonic distortion, the
SpectrAlert Advance SP series offers high fidelity sound output. The speakers
operate at any one of four input power levels. These products are electrically
backward compatible with the previous generation of SpectrAlert notification
fire aLarm sYsTem ConsideraTions
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code
(NEC) and applicable local codes. System Sensor recommends installing fire
alarm speakers in compliance with NFPA 72, ANSI/UL1480 and NEC 760.
Loop desiGn and WirinG
The system designer must make sure that the total current drawn by the de-
vices on the loop does not exceed the current capability of the panel supply,
and that the last device on the circuit is operated within its rated voltage.
The current draw information for making these calculations can be found in
the tables within this manual. For convenience and accuracy, use the voltage
drop calculator on the System Sensor website ( or
When calculating the voltage available to the last device, it is necessary to
consider the voltage drop due to the resistance of the wire. The thicker the
wire, the smaller the voltage drop. Wire resistance tables can be obtained
from electrical handbooks. Note that if Class A wiring is installed, the wire
length may be up to twice as long as it would be for circuits that are not fault
NOTE: For 24 volt applications, the total number of strobes on a single NAC
must not exceed 40, with a maximum loop resistance of 120 ohms. For 12 volt
applications, the total number of strobes must not exceed 12, with a maxi-
mum loop resistance of 30 ohms.
NOTE: Supply power for strobe must be continuous for proper operation.
Operating Temperature:
32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Humidity Range:
10% to 93% Non-condensing
Nominal Voltage: (speakers)
25 Volts or 70.7 Volts (nominal)
Max. Supervisory Voltage: (speakers and strobes)
50 VDC
Strobe Flash Rate:
1 flash per second
Nominal Voltage: (strobes)
Regulated 12VDC or FWR or regulated 24VDC or FWR
Speaker Frequency Range:
400 to 4000 Hz
Power Settings: (Speakers)
, 1, 2 watts
Operating Voltage Range:
8 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 16 to 33V (24V nominal)
(includes fire alarm panels with built in sync)
Operating Voltage with MDL Sync Module:
9 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 17 to 33V (24V nominal)
Input Terminal Wire Guage:
12-18 AWG
For use with model SPSW-ALERT
Wall Product
Length Width
SPS Speaker/Strobe
5.0˝ 4.7˝ (including lens and speaker)
Surface Mount Skirt
WARNING: Not to be used as a visual public mode alarm notification appliance.
NOTE: Strobes will operate at 12 V nominal for 15 & 15/75 candela settings only. Switching between ranges is automatic.
Dimensions for Speaker/Strobes and Accessories
*Depth above finished surface of wall or ceiling.