Harrington Hoists and Cranes AHM Hoist User Manual
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It is the responsibility of the owner/user to install, inspect, test, maintain, and operate a hoist in accordance with
ANSI/ASME B30.16, “Safety Standard for Overhead Hoists” and OSHA Regulations. If the hoist is installed as part
of a total lifting system, such as an overhead crane or monorail, it is also the responsibility of the owner/user to
comply with the applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that type of equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to have all personnel that will install, inspect, test, maintain, and operate a
hoist read the contents of this manual and applicable portions of ANSI/ASME B30.16, “Safety Standard for
Overhead Hoists”, and OSHA Regulations. If the hoist is installed as part of a total lifting system, such as an
overhead crane, the applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that type of equipment must also be read
by all personnel.
If the hoist owner/user requires additional information, or if any information in the manual is not clear, contact
Harrington or the distributor of the hoist. Do not install, inspect, test, maintain, or operate this hoist unless this
information is fully understood.
A regular schedule of inspection of the hoist in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ASME B30.16 should be
established and records maintained.