Gilderfluke&Co PA System User Manual
Page 29

z) MA-100/200 Outputs:
This command is used to set up the MA-100/200 Output outputs used in the system. It brings up the
following menu:
-Gilderfluke & Co. Intelligent Public Address System - ver 1.06 - c1990-92 DCM-
- Local Public Address
Zone Setup -
output number 02
a) respond to PA Zone- 01 | k) respond to PA Zone- 00
b) respond to PA Zone- 02 | l) respond to PA Zone- 00
c) respond to PA Zone- 03 | m) respond to PA Zone- 00
d) respond to PA Zone- 00 | t) respond to PA Zone- 00
e) respond to PA Zone- 00 | o) respond to PA Zone- 00
f) respond to PA Zone- 00 | p) respond to PA Zone- 00
g) respond to PA Zone- 00 | q) respond to PA Zone- 00
h) respond to PA Zone- 00 | r) respond to PA Zone- 00
i) respond to PA Zone- 00 | s) respond to PA Zone- 00
j) respond to PA Zone- 00 |
u) normal audio level- FF | G) use volume zone- none
v) level when half-muted- 40 | z) select another Local output
w) PA announcement level- FF | x) eXit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
H) respond to mutes: |_yes_|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|
I) respond to half mutes: |_yes_|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|
Enter command-
a) respond to PA zone:
b) respond to PA zone:
c) respond to PA zone:
d) respond to PA zone:
e) respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
g) respond to PA zone:
h) respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
m) respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
o) respond to PA zone:
p) respond to PA zone:
q) respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
respond to PA zone:
Any of the local outputs can respond to up to nineteen different PA Zone requests. The
order of response priorities is set by the order in which the PA Zones are entered. Any zone
can be entered from 00 to FE.
u) normal audio volume level:
This value sets the normal volume level for audio being fed from the BGM input(s) to the
Local Output. An entry of 00 gives a fully attenuated signal, while a FF gives unity gain.
& C
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, C
. 91502-2102 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥
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