P) pa stations – Gilderfluke&Co PA System User Manual
Page 18

p) PA Stations:
This command is used to set up the PA Stations used in the system. It will first ask you which PA Station
you would like to configure (00 to FF). After this it will ask what type of PA Station it is connected to this
port. If it is a One Button PA Station, it will just ask the zone number you would like this station to access
(00 to FE, or FF for Local Mode) and then return to the first menu. If it is a Smart PA Station, it will bring up
the menu from the Smart PA Station you asked for. If it is a Four Button PA Station, it will bring up the fol-
lowing menu:
-Gilderfluke & Co. Intelligent Public Address System - ver 1.06 - c1990-92 DCM-
- Four Button PA Station Setup -
station number 02
a) latch buttons- no
b) auto-release latched buttons- no
c) latch buttons- no
d) button #1 accesses PA zone- 01
e) button #2 accesses PA zone- 02
f) button #3 accesses PA zone- 03
g) button #4 accesses PA zone- 00
h) microphone PTT accesses MA-100/200 output 02
z) configure another Four Button station
x) eXit
Enter command-
a) latch buttons:
A Four Button PA Station can normally access five different PA Zones. If this toggle is ÔoffÕ,
the four buttons on the front of the station to act as additional PTT (Push-To-Talk) buttons just
like the one on the microphone. If this toggle is turned ÔonÕ, whatever button the user last
pushed will be accessed every time the microphone PTT (Push-To-Talk) button is pressed. This
option has the disadvantage of loosing the microphone PTT buttonÕs normal function.
b) auto-release latched buttons:
If this and the previous function are both turned ÔonÕ, any front panel buttons will be
latched until the PTT button is pushed, and then revert back to its normal function as soon as
it is released. In this way you can still have access to all five PA Zones from a Four Button PA
Button Assignments:
c) button #1:
d) button #2:
e) button #3:
button #4:
These commands are used to select what action will take place on each of the four but-
tons on a four Button PA station. The options are:
a) Select any PA Zone through the 16 trunk lines. These can be numbered from 00 to FE.
Any MA-100/200 or DR-300/400 can respond to these zone requests. Entering a value of
ÔFFÕ will request this PA stationÕs corresponding MA-100/200 output for direct access (the
next command is a little easier way of performing this same function).
& C
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. 91502-2102 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥
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