M) pa master – Gilderfluke&Co PA System User Manual

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m) PA Master:

Used to set up the few ÔglobalÕ variables used in the system. These are:

-Gilderfluke & Co. Intelligent Public Address System - ver 1.06 - c1990-92 DCM-

- Public Address Master Setup -

a) maximum number of stations- 00 | p) print all errors- yes
b) local PA ramp rate- 10 | q) print all openings- yes
c) local BGM ramp rate- 10 | r) print all closings- no
d) volume zone ramp rate- 10 | s) print all others- yes
e) use printer handshake- yes | t) display all errors- yes
f) console clock display- yes | u) display all openings- yes
g) smart station clock- yes | v) display all closings- no
h) set time | w) display all others- yes
i) set date | z) unmute on bootup- yes
j) allow zone stepping- no | x) eXit

G) volume zone #1 maximum limit- FF | O) volume zone #1 minimum limit- 00
H) volume zone #2 maximum limit- FF | P) volume zone #2 minimum limit- 00
I) volume zone #3 maximum limit- FF | Q) volume zone #3 minimum limit- 00
J) volume zone #4 maximum limit- FF | R) volume zone #4 minimum limit- 00
K) volume zone #5 maximum limit- FF | S) volume zone #5 minimum limit- 00
L) volume zone #6 maximum limit- FF | T) volume zone #6 minimum limit- 00
M) volume zone #7 maximum limit- FF | U) volume zone #7 minimum limit- 00
N) volume zone #8 maximum limit- FF | V) volume zone #8 minimum limit- 00

Enter command-

a) maximum number of stations:

This allows you to set the number of PA stations the system will scan for. As it runs damn

fast even when all 256 stations are being scanned, it is generally left at a setting of 00.

b) local PA ramp rate:
c) local BGM ramp rate:

These are used to set the speed at which the microphone and BGM inputs are ramped

on the MA-100/200 outputs. This does not affect the speed of any ramps on any DR-300 or
DR-400 cards attached to the system. Lower numbers give slower ramp rates. These are ad-
justed to your tastes. If the PA ramp rate is too high, then the microphone switch ÔclickÕ will be
more pronounced. If it is too low, then it will take a while for the microphone to cut in, which
may cut off the first part of an announcement. Values of Ф10Х are typically used when ÔaÕ
above is set to Ф00Х.

d) volume zone ramp rate:

When ramping a volume zone up or down from any PA station, this control sets the

speed at which the ramping will take place. A value of 01 will give you the fastest rate, while
a value of FF will be the slowest.

e) use printer handshake:

This toggle allows you to set whether or not the printer port will listen to the handshaking

input. If it is toggled ÔoffÕ, then the PA Master will expect your printer to be able to keep up
with whatever it sends down the line.


console clock display:

This toggle turns on and off the clock display on the terminal (if any) attached to the sys-


g) smart station clock:

This toggle turns on and off the clock display on any Smart PA stations attached to the PA

System. If the Smart StationsÕ clocks are enabled here, they can also be disabled or enabled
on each individual station as well. Leaving this toggle on, even if no Smart PA Stations are at-



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