Gilderfluke&Co PA System User Manual

Page 23

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a) PA station number:

This command allows you to alter the address at which the MA-100 will find this PA

Station attached. This number must match the port into which the station is attached to
the MA-100/200, so if you alter it, as soon as you exit the Smart PA Station Configuration
mode, the MA-100 wonÕt be able to find the station until it is moved to the proper port.

b) baud rate:

This toggle rotates through the available baud rates on the Smart PA Station. The

baud rate isnÕt actually changed on the Smart PA Station until the Smart PA Station con-
figuration mode is exited. After this, the baud rate on the MA-100 must be altered to
match the new rate on the Smart PA Station.

c) PTT after keys:

If this toggle is ÔONÕ, then the microphone PTT button must be pressed after a combi-

nation has been entered for it to be recognized. If it is ÔOFFÕ, then then any key match-
ing one that we are looking for will be recognized as soon as the last key of the combi-
nation is pressed. This is often used in conjunction with the TELEPHONE MODE below.

d) display time:

If this toggle is ÔONÕ and the ÔSmart Station TimeÕ toggle in the MA-100 ÔMasterÕ setup

menu is also ÔONÕ, then the current time transmitted from the MA-100 will be displayed
on the LCD screen on the front of the Smart PA Station whenever it is idle.

e) busy PAs:

This toggle selects what this Smart PA Station will do if it attempts to access any PA

zone which is already being used by any other PA stations. The options are


ÔwonÕt stepÕ- Busy PA Zones are always recognized and the Smart PA Station will not
step on any other stationÕs accesses no matter what. An error message will be dis-
played on the LCD and the Smart station will beep at you when this happens.


Ôdouble clikÕ- Busy PA zones are recognized by the Smart PA Station, but can be
over ridden by just pressing the microphone PTT button a second time. An error
message is displayed on the LCD screen of the Smart PA Station as it beeps at the


Ôjust beepÕ- The Smart PA Station will beep annoyingly and display an error mes-
sage when it steps on a busy PA zone, but will go ahead and do it anyway.


ÔdonÕt careÕ- The Smart PA Station will step on any busy PA zones no matter what.


telephone mode:

For accessing the Intelligent PA System through a telephone line, the microphone

on a Smart PA Station can be omitted and a telephone line interface installed in itÕs
place. The DTMF Ôtouch tonesÕ from the telephone can then be used to access the fea-
tures of the Smart PA Station. Of course, not many telephones have microphone PTT but-
tons on them, so this mode, when ÔONÕ makes the Ф#Х button on the telephone act just
like the normal microphone PTT. Since the sound of the Ф#Х key being pushed for the du-
ration of a PA announcement would be rather annoying, PA announcements are started
as the Ф#Х key is first pressed, and then released when any other key is pressed.

g) debounce:

This controls how many times the Smart PA Station will check an input before it actu-

ally believes that it is valid. Too small a number may cause unreliable or bouncy button
inputs. Too large of an input may delay access longer than you might like. A value of 10
is typically used.


click enable:

This toggle enables/disables the clicking sound the Smart PA Station makes each

time any of the keys is pressed.


beep length:

This value sets how long and annoying the beeps the Smart PA Stations makes will

be. A value of 10 is typically used. A value of 00 will disable the beeps.



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