Intelligent paêsystem software configuration, M" (5aa5) – Gilderfluke&Co PA System User Manual

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Intelligent PAÊSystem Software Configuration :

The software configuration mode is entered by the command:

"m" (5AA5)

The ÒmÓ is the command. The (5AA5) which follows is a key to keep this mode from being inadvertent-

ly entered. As with the serial commands, the upper and lower 'case' of all input is important. An 'a' is a
command while an 'A' is a number. All numeric values are entered in HEX (0 - 9, A - F).

If another command is entered while the last command is waiting for additional input, the new com-

mand will be started. If at any point you enter a command in error and it is waiting for additional input,
you can leave the command by entering an ape key. This will leave the original configuration

If you want to keep a hard copy printout of the current configuration setting, you should use the

ape key to redraw the screen while saving the print in the modem program running on your
computer. This file can then be printed out at any time.

This Ôm5AA5Õ command will bring up the following ÔfirstÕ menu:

-Gilderfluke & Co. Intelligent Public Address System - ver 1.06 - c1990-92 DCM-

Would you like to configure.....

m) MA-100 PA Master
p) PA stations
z) MA-100/200 outputs
r) Repeaters

X) eXit

Enter command-

This menu is used to access the other menus inside the PA Master. (If you select the Repeaters or

Smart PA Station setups, the menus actually come from the controlled devices.) These menu selections
are used as follows:



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