Using z-bricks with a br-multishow – Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512 Output MultiShow Brick User Manual
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Using Z-Bricks with a BR-MultiShow:
A Z-Brick is a card that can be used with any BR-MultiShow to add thirty-two digital outputs to it. The
data for the Z-Brick comes either from the DMX-512 that is being received by the BR-MultiShow or from the
Eprom on-board the BR-MultiShow. With proper buffering, any number of Z-Bricks can be added to a BR-
MultiShow. Each adds another thirty-two digital outputs to the BR-MultiShow.
The Z-BrickÕs thirty-two outputs are addressed on four consecutive eight bit channels. This means that
each Z-Brick needs four eight bit channels worth of data. The Z-Bricks can be addressed on any address
that is a multiple of four. The two HEXadecimal switches on the front of the Z-Brick are used to set the ad-
dress. The address is set using HEXadecimal numbers (a chart which shows both numbering systems is at
the rear of this manual). The upper switch is used to set the upper nibbleÕs address. The lower switch is
used to set the lower nibbleÕs address. Because the address has to be set on a four byte boundary, the
lower switch has only four usable ranges. These are labeled on the silkscreen as Ф0-3Х, Ф4-7Х, Ф8-BХ, and ÔC-FÕ.
Setting this switch to any of the four positions in these ranges are acceptable. i.e.: there are four detents
at 0, 1, 2 and 3 on this switch. Setting the switch to ANY of these positions counts as the position Ф0-3Х on
the Z-Brick.
The Z-Brick must be connected to the BR-MultiShow by a twenty position ribbon cable. When the Z-Brick
is being scanned, the LED on its front will flash at 1/4 the frame rate.
In all animation systems made by Gilderfluke & Company all output cabling on the Z-Brick is through
what we call ФJ-6Х standard output cables. These are 40 wire cables which are made up of four identical
eight bit wide ÔchannelsÕ. A J-6 cable is often split up into four individual channels. As each channel also
includes a common power supply and ground wire, each Ô1/4 J-6Õ cable is made up of 10 wires, and can
be used to control eight individual ÔdigitalÕ (off/on) devices, or one eight bit wide ÔanalogÕ device.
In all animation systems made by Gilderfluke & Company, all digital outputs are open collector switch-
es to ground, and all inputs are opto isolators. Flyback diodes are included in the outputs for driving induc-
tive loads:
typical output
typical input
To simplify wiring to any Gilderfluke & Company Animation Control Systems, the connectors used on
the J-6 cables are what are called Ôinsulation displacement connectorsÕ. These simply snap on to an entire
cable, automatically ÔdisplacingÕ the wire insulation and making contact with the wires within. This means
that an entire 40 wire cable can be terminated in seconds. All connectors are polarized, to keep them
from being plugged in backwards. Although there are tools made specifically for installing these connec-
tors, the tool we find works best is a small bench vise.
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