Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512 Output MultiShow Brick User Manual

Page 19

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Any show is started on a sequencer that already has a show running on it. Because
the sequencer is in the midst of a show, the analog values probably arenÕt at the de-
fault positions for the sequencer.


A show is started on a sequencer which had the last show stopped before it reached
its end. Since the sequencer was stopped before it reached the end of a show, the
analog values probably arenÕt at the default positions for the sequencer.


An E-Stop is triggered for a sequencer. This causes the analog values to jump to the
first frame of the PowerOn/E-Stop show(s).


When DMX-512 is first received.


When DMX-512 reception is lost.

This command first asks for the sequencer number you are setting the analog channels

for. It then brings up a screen showing which channels are set as analogs. To change any
analog channel on or off, just enter the number of the channel.


Information: This will display a status report for the BR-MultiShow. The status for each of the
eight sequencers are displayed, as well as the status of the ten optoisolated inputs.

o) Reload Default Configuration: This command reloads the default configuration to the BR-

MultiShow. Other than setting which channels are analogs and the speed of the Ease-Ins, the
default configuration will need very little modification for most installations.

p) Play: This command allows you to pick and play any show on any of the eight sequencers.

Although there is nothing to keep you from doing so, you should only play shows on the se-
quencer upon which they are normally played. If there is already one show playing an Ease-In
will take place at the start of the new show. If the show which was playing ÔcanÕtÕ be stepped
upon, then the BR-MultiShow will ask you if you would like to override the lockout or not. If the
sequencer you are trying to start is in an E-Stop condition, then the BR-MultiShow will ask you if
you would like to override the E-Stop or not.


Download configuration: This command is used to save the current configuration of the BR-
MultiShow through the serial port to a file on your computer. This file can then be reloaded
into this, or any other BR-MultiShow. To use this command, you first invoke it, then following the
instructions, you set your computer to receive a string of ASCII characters.

-Gilderfluke & Company - DMX-512 MultiShow Brick - ver1.02 - copyright 1999 DCM-

Set your computer to save a stream of text to a file. The file should be 1043

bytes long. To reload this card, just send this file back to this screen.

Hit any key when ready.

Stop saving text and hit any key when the data has finished.

hit ape key to cancel-

Enter Command-

You then press any key to tell the BR-MultiShow to send out its configuration. When it has

finished, you then tell your computer to stop saving characters, and then hit any key to tell



& C


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, CA 91502 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥ 800/776-5972 ¥



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