Serial port commands, M5aa5(address) – Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512 Output MultiShow Brick User Manual

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Serial Port Commands:

The following commands are used to communicate with BR-MultiShows and just about any other piece

of equipment manufactured by Gilderfluke & Company. Just by attaching the serial port of your PC, PLC
or terminal to the serial port of the Smart Brick, you can access these commands.

To enter the configuration mode: Type the following. The (address) is replaced by the HEX value

set when the BR-MultiShow is configured.


If any other card is in configuration mode (or even if it just thinks another card is in config-

uration), the BR-MultiShow won't be able to enter configuration mode. To exit any other card
from configuration type 'XN'. You can then try entering configuration again.

To display the status of this card: Send the card an Ôi(address)Õ. The (address) is replaced by the

HEX value set when the BR-MultiShow is configured. This will display a status report for the BR-
MultiShow. The status for each of the eight sequencers are displayed, as well as the status of
the ten optoisolated inputs.

To download the configuration of this card: Prepare your computer to receive and save a

stream of ascii characters. Send the card a Ôr(address)Õ. The (address) is replaced by the HEX
value set when the BR-MultiShow is configured. The card will respond with a stream of 1043
bytes of ascii data. Any number of additional cards (either more BR-MultiShows or any other
card made by Gilderfluke & Company) can also have their configuration downloaded into the
same file by giving them the same command with the appropriate addresses appended on.
When you are done downloading configurations, you can tell your computer to stop saving
received ascii to a file.

To reload saved configuration: All you need to do is send this file back to the cards through your

computerÕs serial port. All cards that were addressed will hear their address in the data stream
and load in the configuration data.



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, CA 91502 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥ 800/776-5972 ¥



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