Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512 Output MultiShow Brick User Manual

Page 12

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An Eprom file set are generated on a PC¥MACs system by:



Selecting the 'Save as AutoDownload...' command from the 'File' pulldown.


Set the 'start' and 'end' boxes to set the number channels you want to go into this
AutoDownload Eprom file. PC¥MACs will default these values to include every channel that has
been defined in your site file.


Use the ÔAddÕ button to select any additional shows you would like to be saved into this
AutoDownload Eprom file set.


Use the ÔPromoteÕ and ÔDemoteÕ buttons to move selected show(s) into the order you would
like to save them in the Eprom.


You can select each show individually and select:


Whether or not this show can be stepped upon. If a new show is requested on the
same sequencer that this one is running on, whether it will be ignored or not.


What you would like to happen at the end of this show (Ôplay next show immediatelyÕ
or Ôdo nothingÕ). Select Ôplay next show immediatelyÕ if you want to loop a show or
series of shows.


Which show will follow this one. This should only be a show that has been pro-
grammed to use the same sequencer number as this one. Select Ôplay next show im-
Õ and set select the same show to be ÔnextÕ if you want to loop a single


Press the ÔBuildÕ button to begin the saving process. A standard file save dialog will open.
Name the file as desired. (it defaults to the name of the first show in the list). PC¥MACs will
warn you if a file already exists with this name. Hit OK to save the data to a file.

If you press the ÔReportÕ button, PC¥MACs will display the information about the AutoDownload Eprom

set you just saved. This information is also saved in a text file with the same name as the AutoDownload
Eprom files, but with the extension of Ô.setÕ. You can open this file with any text editor like Notepad or
Wordpad. The ÔEprom startÕ and ÔEprom endÕ are the actual locations of the shows in the Eprom set. The
number shown for the ÔEprom EndÕ for the last show in this file set is the last byte which will be saved into
the Eprom. If your Eprom is smaller than this number, you will need to use more than a single Eprom.

The capacities of all of the large Eproms are as follows:

Eprom type

Total number of bytes









If additional capacity is needed, then a memory expansion board can increase the capacity of the

BR-MultiShow to fifteen 27C080Õs (15,728,640 byte capacity).

The Eprom file that PC¥MACs generates will have the extension of filename.Ann. The 'A' in the exten-

sion flags it as a 'AutoDownload' Eprom file. The 'nn' is the HEXadecimal address of the first channel in the
Eprom set. Once saved, this file can be burnt into any Eprom from 1 Mbit (27C010) to 8 Mbits (27C080).
The BR-MultiShow supports all four standard thirty-two pin Eproms. If only one Eprom is going to be used on
the BR-MultiShow, you can use any Eprom size from 27C010 through 27C080. If more than a single
Eprom is to be used, then they all must be 27C080s. Up to eight 27C080 Eproms can be loaded on the
BR-MultiShow. With an expansion board, this increases capacity to fifteen 27C080 Eproms.

When burning AutoDownload Eprom sets that donÕt fit into a single Eprom, you must ÔoffsetÕ your data

in your Eprom programmerÕs software for the second and all subsequent Eproms. Most Eprom programmer
software is pretty archaic (i.e.: DOS-like). Offset numbers are usually entered in HEXadecimal values. After
each Eprom is programmed, load the same AutoDownload file again with the offsets shown below for
each subsequent Eprom:



& C


.¥ 205 S. F




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, CA 91502 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥ 800/776-5972 ¥



8 of 22


More information on this process can be found in the PC¥MACs manual.