Taking a sample, Monitoring dust concentrations with the split2, Run or alarm (alm) continue – SKC Limited SPLIT2 User Manual

Page 16

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Monitoring Dust Concentrations with the SPLIT2


Once all the preparations have been carried out and the SPLIT2
set up to the correct mode and dust fraction to be monitored,
we can start taking samples.

Go to the main menu and by pressing either the down button
or the up button position the arrow opposite RUN. Press the
ENTER button

Review Data
Special Functions
Auto Zero

Run - Continue
Run - Overwrite
Alm - Continue
Alm - Overwrite

Scroll arrow to type of run you want and press the ENTER button.
RUN means the unit will monitor without an alarm sounding. Alm
means the unit will run and the alarm sound if the preset level is
To erase all previously recorded data in all locations select
OVERWRITE. To add data points to the next consecutive location
(Tag) choose Continue



Run or Alarm (Alm) Continue:

Very quickly a new screen will appear with all the sample details.
To stop the unit monitoring press the ENTER button. Please
note that the unit will not stop for 20 seconds after this first
screen appears.
NOTE: The concentration reading will only change as dust is
detected. Don’t worry if the concentration reading appears to
be static. To test the unit is working, simply place the sensor
head near the carpet or an upholstered seat and smartly hit the
fabric. This normally release enough particles to register an
increase in the concentration reading display.
The LCD backlite is on a timer. Should you wish to turn it back
on press either the UP or DOWN button.

Tag: 001
Date: Fri 01-Jan-00
Time: 15:01:01
Conc: R 1.25 mg/m3


Tag: 001
Date: Fri 01-Jan-00
Time: 15:01:01
Conc: R- 1.25 mg/m3


Memory Location

Type of Dust Selected.
I for Inhalable
T for Thoracic
R for Respirable

Minus sign. If this is present
The Unit is reading a minus amount
Please Auto Zero again if judged to
be significant

Battery Status

Dust Concentration

Time and Date

If either of these options is selected and the ENTER button pressed
a screen will appear for a few seconds stating ‘Preparing
Compensation’. This means the SPLIT2 is now configuring all
the options selected during set up ready to start monitoring